The 2021 Joint Meeting of AACBNC and AMSNDC is a unique opportunity to meet virtually with key decision makers at the major academic medical centers in North America.
Listing in the Program as a major supporter
Ten (10) minute presentation on your product(s) or services
Logo on the AMSNDC and AACBNC websites
Hyperlink from the web site to your home page
Brochure/Flyer included in delegate packets
Table-top exhibit display table
Registration for (1) representative
Thank you slide on each day of the meeting
Logo on the AMSNDC and AACBNC websites
Hyperlink from the web site to your home page
Brochure/Flyer included in delegate packets
Table-top exhibit display table
Thank you slide on each day of the meeting
GOLD SPONSOR - $4,500+
Listing in the Program as a Gold Sponsor
Logo on the AMSNDC and AACBNC websites
Hyperlink from the web site to your home page
Brochure/Flyer included in delegate packets
Table-top exhibit display table
Registration for (1) representative
Thank you slide on each day of the meeting
Logo on the AMSNDC and AACBNC websites
Hyperlink from the web site to your home page
Brochure/Flyer included in delegate packets
Thank you slide on each day of the meeting
Both AACBNC and AMSNDC are non-profit, 501(c)3 tax-exempt organizations.