Join us | Annual Dues: $325 (Jan-Dec) |
Each member is expected to pay annual dues in the amount established by the Board and renewed on the anniversary date of joining. A member is held in good standing upon approval of their application and payment on a yearly basis. A member shall remain in good standing until such time as the President determines to terminate participation for failure to commit outstanding obligations or for conduct inconsistent with the objectives of the AMSNDC.
The criteria for AMSNDC membership are as follows:Chair Member
The member must be a Department Chair within a medical school setting within North America. The department must have as a prima1y mission research and education on the structure and function of the nervous system. Typically, the department titles include the term "Neuroscience" or "Neurobiology." On occasion, other departmental titles (e.g., Physiology, Anatomy) maintain a primary mission in neuroscience and this is acceptable, at the discretion of the President. Some departments have a strong commitment to undergraduate (college) campuses, but also hold commitments to the medical school, and in these situations membership is acceptable.
Center or Institute Director
The member must be a Director within a medical school / institute / center setting within North America. The department must have as a prima1y mission research and education on the structure and function of the nervous system. Typically, the department titles include the term "Neuroscience" or "Neurobiology."
Associate Member
Associate members can be vice chairs, associate heads, or interim chairs at medical or osteopathic medical schools, as well as undergraduate neuroscience program directors. They can fully participate in AMSNDC meetings but are not eligible for election as Officers of the AMSNDC.
Guest Memberships
Individuals may be permitted membership for specific purposes as designated by the President and on an ad hoc basis.
Emeritus Membership
Individuals who cease to be a chairperson are eligible for Emeritus membership if they have made significant contributions to the Association. An Emeritus Member may be nominated by any member of the Association. Nominations should be made to the Secretary/Treasurer. The Executive Committee recommends candidates to the membership for approval at the Annual Meeting. Emeritus membership requires a majority vote of the membership present at the meeting. Emeritus members do not have to pay annual dues and do have all rights and privileges within the Association as do regular members apart from the right to vote and hold office on the Executive Committee. Emeritus members can serve as a representative of the Association.