The resources located in this section sub-pages have been provided by AMSNDC and are accessible to AMSNDC members only. 

 AMSNDC Members Non-Members

To access content, login to your account before

clicking on member-only subpages and links.  

Once you are logged in as a member, you will have access to all member-only hidden pages and resources.  Please DO NOT share any  links or files

hosted on member-only pages!

If you are not an AMSNDC member, please join us!

Members-only pages and content are instantly accessible to new members once they have joined are current with their annual dues.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I login for the first time?

  1. Click on the Login button/text at the top right of the screen
  2. Enter your email address (be sure to use the email that our AMSNDC news comes addressed to!)
  3. Click “Reset Password” to have a temporary password sent to you.  
  4. Login with your email and password.  
  5. On the member profile home screen, click on Edit Profile to change your password, email or any other member details and decide what information you want to share with other members.  

How do I change my email address?

  1. Login at the top right of the screen on any page
  2. Enter your email address (be sure to use the email that our AMSNDC news comes addressed to!)
  3. On the member profile home screen, click on Edit Profile to change your password

Help! I forgot my password

Follow steps 3-5 above.

Why is my photo not showing on a web page?

If you do not share your photo and you are an officer, council member, or other member featured on a website page, a blank image box will appear.  If you choose not to share ANY information publicly, then a text box saying "No member to show" will appear in this area. You can adjust these settings in your Member Profile.

If you have additional resources you would like to share with members, please contact:


Edit Profile

Association of Medical School Neuroscience Department Chairs
AMSNDC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

6524 SW 61st Terrace, South Miami, FL 33143 

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software